CLAN – Subtitles with CLAN and Handbrake Tutorial

If you want to embed your transcript as subtitles in a video you need to download handbrake:

03:57 min

Create the subtitle file (.srt) – in CLAN
  1. Place your transcript and video in a folder.
  2. Open your transcript in CLAN
  3. Open the Commands window (Mode > Commands)
  4. Type: chat2srt
  5. Click “File in”
  6. Find your transcript file in the directory (probably: User > (Your computer user name) > Desktop > Folder name > Your transcript file name)
  7. Select your transcript
  8. Click “Add”
  9. Click “Done”
  10. Click “Run”

A new window opens, which indicates that an .srt file was created.

  1. Go to your folder to check if there is a .srt file in your folder now.


Combine the subtitle file with the video – in Handbrake
  1. Open Handbrake

Handbrake will prompt you to select a video file

  1. Find your video file
  2. Click “Open”
  3. Make sure the output file type is set to MP4
  4. Make sure “Constant Framerate” is selected
  5. Click on “Browse”
  6. Select a different folder for the output file. (Handbrake does not save the output file in the same folder as the original file. You HAVE TO save it in a different folder!)
  7. Click “Save”
  8. Click on “Subtitles”
  9. Click on “Track”
  10. Select “Add external srt”
  11. Select your srt file
  12. Click “Open”
  13. Select “Burned in”
  14. Click “Start”

Wait until a new window opens

  1. Click “OK”
  2. Go to the folder where you saved the output file.
  3. Open the video to check if it has subtitles.



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